Friday, August 20, 2010

Some Old School Fabrication and a Parts Delivery

As I have mentioned before, my brothers wedding is coming up next Saturday and I am making the dress, kilts, and belt buckles.  Here are some pictures of the progress so far. (and more over here)
(The design was drawn by me and embroidered by my mom)
(Preparing the skirt to be hemmed)

(Serging the hem before sewing on the horse-hair braid and turning up the final hem)
The dress is almost done and I am going to start my kilt tomorrow (My brother and his friend are making thier own).  It will be a busy week...

On RepRap related news I recently received an order from MacMaster-Carr and once the wedding is over I hope to get back to debugging and building some new heater designs using my new drill press.
(1/4" brass threaded rod, acorn nuts, tee nuts, 5/8" PTFE, and ceramic insulation)
(6' each of 1/4" PTFE and 5/8" aluminum)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My New Pocket Computer... (Another Birthday Present)

My wife gave me an amazing new phone for my birthday (which is tomorrow)... a Droid X.

This phone is very impressive and is faster than an old tablet PC I have, which brings up a great question "Will someone please port OpenSCAD to Android?"  That would be cool... and right along the lines of a recent Open3DP post.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My New Subtractive Manufacturing Tool

An early birthday present to myself... :-)

Now to order some parts from McMaster-Carr and try making some new nozzles (I have some ideas but a hand drill is not accurate enough).