Sunday, November 28, 2010

First pre-release of Integrated Parametric RepRap

I just uploaded the first pre-release of my Integrated Parametric RepRap OpenSCAD files.  Currently it does not make anything printable but what it does do is "build" a parametric frame based on the settings in the DNA file.

The core files contain the following:
All constants and calculations, the constants define all the possible things that make a specific robot unique. (ranging from desired build space to fastener and bearing sizes)
All "standard" modules, such as motor mounts, bearing mounts, hardware models, etc... currently this file "builds" the main frame out of the hardware specified in the IPR_DNA file.

The following pictures show the frame with a 100x100, 150x150, & 200x200 build space with normal Mendel sized hardware (including a NEMA17 Z motor on the left).
This picture shows a 300x300 build space with larger hardware (608 guide bearings and 12mm rod).
This should give you an idea of the flexibility I am building into this design.

I plan to keep ALL constants and calculated values in the DNA file and everything else in a few files that call the DNA and func files.

Here are my current rules:
  1. If it is a constant it lives in the DNA file.
  2. If it is a calculation that effects parts (not positional calculations but dimensional ones) it lives in the DNA file.
  3. If it is a module that anything else needs to call it lives in the func file.
The goal is to eliminate redundancy and simplify the whole process of generating a robots files.

For more information visit the main documentation at:


  1. Cool. So, when it builds the frame does that mean you can read off all the dependent dimensions? Like, even if it doesn't produce a file for printing does it provide the dimensions you'd need to build the appropriate model and cut rods and whatnot?

  2. @bluebackflyer, you are correct the idea is that the bill of materials will be created by the script as well. This is currently happening for the threaded rod lengths (if you look at the pictures above you will see "ECHO 6ea....." in the lower right hand window.

  3. If you want to come over to Moses Lake Wa. to gain some perspective on larger format printers your welcome to come see the Megarep.
    We are running 24" X 24" X 16"
    Our challenges should be your stepping stones.

  4. I was working on the same thing based on the Huxley design for a while, but my more recent work has just been designing standalone replacements for the more poorly-designed Huxley/Mendel parts, which would eventually be integrated back into the project. There's a snapshot of my work (should be everything except my x-carriage designs) in Tim Schmidt's Git repo.

    Yours is probably organized better (I think my variables were the main frame dimensions rather than the build area dimensions), but it looks like I got a bit further, so there may somthing you'll find useful. I also wasted a bunch of time getting it to render nuts and washers and (optionally) even accurate threads on the screws and rods.
