The core files contain the following:
IPR_DNA: All constants and calculations, the constants define all the possible things that make a specific robot unique. (ranging from desired build space to fastener and bearing sizes)
IPR_func: All "standard" modules, such as motor mounts, bearing mounts, hardware models, etc... currently this file "builds" the main frame out of the hardware specified in the IPR_DNA file.
The following pictures show the frame with a 100x100, 150x150, & 200x200 build space with normal Mendel sized hardware (including a NEMA17 Z motor on the left).
100x100 |
150x150 |
200x200 |
300x300 |
I plan to keep ALL constants and calculated values in the DNA file and everything else in a few files that call the DNA and func files.
Here are my current rules:
- If it is a constant it lives in the DNA file.
- If it is a calculation that effects parts (not positional calculations but dimensional ones) it lives in the DNA file.
- If it is a module that anything else needs to call it lives in the func file.
For more information visit the main documentation at: